Thursday, 15 September 2011

My Second Contents Page Analysis

This is my second contents page analysis, this is very different to the first page I looked at. This has many different pictures rather than the one big picture in the background.  It has many sub headings down the left side of the page, giving you information about different stories and locations of different articles. 

Contents Page Analysis

This contents page had different sub headings. The two sub headings this particular contents page has is features and fashion. Everything in the magazine falls into these two sub headings.  It has various things in both sections for example in the fashion heading it has pages that give you advice and tips on fashion. The target audience for this type of magazine would be mostly women, and some men who are interested in fashion.  This contents age has one big picture layered over  with text, rather than lots of small pictures. 

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Research 5 Titles And Think Of My Own

1. Buzz
2. Craze
3. Dub
4. Titus
These are five titles of school magazines that I have found. They all vary quite a lot and are very different. These have all impacted on what I want to call my magazine. My short list is..... Manic, Hectic, Fad and madness

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

My Second Magazine Evaluation

imgres.jpgThis is my second magazine I am researching, its a school magazine called DUB. It has a very bright title in contrast to the white background. It looks like a very well made magazine. The audience this will be aimed at is students at the school interested in a certain type of music. Judging from the title the music it will be mainly focused on will be Dub-Step and Techno. The magazine appeals to its audience by offering information about Dub-Step and interesting facts about the music. The DUB magazine covers news about celebrities involved in music, for example the kanye west fiasco VMA's. Again this is one of the typical names I have seen, small, short and quite blunt. The layout of this magazine is very good, and the colour themes all fit in together perfectly.  The name Dub is not very suited to a school magazine as the school is not based around DUB step.

Research Task Today : School Magazines

Who is the audience of a school magazine?
The most foremost audience is the students, these are the people that the magazine is aimed at. The school magazine i'm studying is called BUZZ.  Buzz is made by student, who attends BGS. 


The magazine appeals to its audience by being a magazine that students would normally be interested in, for example music and other such things. The BUZZ magazine covers music and other event happening in and around school. The names of the magazines I have  looked at all have short snappy names such as BUZZ, and CRAZE. The BUZZ magazine has a very bright cover, eye catching and appealing to students, the main target audience. It follows a basic layout with the masthead at the top and a student in the background.  It has various sub headers around the cover page, all bright colours, again to make them stand out.  The name BUZZ is very good for a school as it refers to the BUZZ and gossip that happens all around school.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

New Words

Plug and puff are two new words I learnt today! Will update what they mean later!!


Today I had the best lesson ever!!! I learnt some new words, how cool am I! Thinking Media is going to be the best subject I ever took!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Blog Number Two! My Favourite Filmsi

My favourite films ever!
1) The Shawshank Redemption! A very good film, one of my favourite actors Morgan Freeman plays a great role in this!

1) Joint first, no country for old men! Javier Bardem is my second favourite actor of all time! He plays a cool, calculated psychopath, that kills with ease and skill.

1) A final third favourite film would have to be Kill Bill